Recursive subquery graph traversing
In December a user Silpa asked a question on AskTom on "Bi-directional hierarchical query," which inspired me to fool around with recursive subquery factoring (available from version 11.2) giving Silpa a solution which he seemed to find useful. Since then I've fooled around a little more with it, particularly concerning cycles in the graph data.
Silpa gave a table like this for testing:
And some data as well:
What I found very useful was drawing these data as nodes in a graph:
Silpas requirement was to start at a given node and select the entire network reachable from that node - no matter which direction the arrow points. If starting at for example node 11, the select should return all the blue (origin, destination) connections.
Silpa had tried using CONNECT BY hierachical queries, but it didn't quite work out. I came up with this solution using recursive subquery factoring instead:
Giving this output of the 9 blue arrows from the drawing:
The "trick" is that we create origin_recur and destination_recur. In the "starting" part of the subquery (before UNION ALL) origin_recur is always 11 (my starting point) and destination_recur is "the other node". In the recursive part of the subquery (after UNION ALL) we find the next level by joining on either origin or destination equal to "prior" destination_recur (plus we make sure we don't "double back" on ourselves.) And for that level we again make sure origin_recur is "where we came from" and destination_recur is "the other node", no matter which way the arrow originally points. In other words: origin_recur and destination_recur represents the blue arrows but they just all have the direction modified to always be the direction we traverse the graph.
This technique would have been impossible to do with a CONNECT BY, as the recursion is done on calculated columns. In a CONNECT BY clause PRIOR can only be used on table columns, not calculated column aliases. But that is possible in version 11.2 using the recursive subquery factoring.
The above output shows all level 1's first, then level 2, and so on. That is caused by the BREADTH FIRST clause. It can be changed to DEPTH FIRST:
Which gives us output that traverses all the way down each branch first before going to the next branch (looking perhaps a little more like you would be used to from CONNECT BY):
So far so good, but what happens when you add another connection to the graph:
Shown on the graph (the green arrow) we see we have a cycle:
If we run the sql again, we get this error:
Recursive subquery factoring has a CYCLE clause that can help us to avoid this error:
Giving us this output:
The CYCLE clause creates a column IS_CYCLE that is Y when a cycle has been detected. As destination_recur is specified, it will be Y whenever a destination_recur is found that already exists as destination_recur in the same branch of the recursion. Therefore we get a lot of repeats in the output, because the new connection from 24 to 11 is not detected as a cycle, but when we continue again from 11 then we repeat a subbranch we have already visited and get a cycle.
We can improve on it by starting our recursion in a different way. We can create a fictional "level 0" which makes certain that when we go around and hit 11 again, it will be recognized as a cycle:
Giving us a somewhat better output:
This time when it gets to 24->11, it declares a cycle and stops. But there remains another problem: we traverse the cycle in the graph twice, once in each direction. The CYCLE clause cannot help us here.
A simple solution can be to just filter away our fictional level 0 as well as the cycles, and then a plain DISTINCT will remove our duplicates:
This gives us the 10 connections of the network:
That approach may be OK for many purposes, but it is not guaranteed to be in the correct order. This time it looks like we were lucky, but we cannot be certain that for example a HASH distinct will keep the order for us.
So we can instead use the analytic function ROW_NUMBER to help us:
The result will be that the first occurrence in order of ORDERING of a given (origin, destination) pair will be numbered 1, subsequent occurrences numbered 2,...:
With this approach the "reverse" traversal of the cycle in the graph gets RN=2, so we can filter those away:
Giving us an output of the desired 10 rows:
Using this method we actually could use the original recursion rather than the one with a fictional level 0:
It gives us the same rows as before:
But we do notice a slight problem: The 18->11 connection is shown here to level 6 where it is more correct to call it level 1.
So we stick to the solution with "level 0" giving us this final query stripped of superfluous information:
Giving this final output:
All in all a fun challenge and definitely a case for me to understand the differences of using a recursive subquery rather than a connect by hierarcical query :-) .
Silpa gave a table like this for testing:
create table network_table ( origin number , destination number ) / |
And some data as well:
insert into network_table values (11, 12) / insert into network_table values (12, 13) / insert into network_table values (14, 11) / insert into network_table values (14, 15) / insert into network_table values (14, 16) / insert into network_table values (14, 17) / insert into network_table values (18, 11) / insert into network_table values (19, 110) / insert into network_table values (111, 112) / insert into network_table values (23, 15) / insert into network_table values (23, 24) / commit / |
What I found very useful was drawing these data as nodes in a graph:
Silpas requirement was to start at a given node and select the entire network reachable from that node - no matter which direction the arrow points. If starting at for example node 11, the select should return all the blue (origin, destination) connections.
Silpa had tried using CONNECT BY hierachical queries, but it didn't quite work out. I came up with this solution using recursive subquery factoring instead:
with net (origin, destination, origin_recur, destination_recur, lvl) as ( select n.origin , n.destination , 11 origin_recur , case n.origin when 11 then destination else origin end destination_recur , 1 lvl from network_table n where n.origin = 11 or n.destination = 11 union all select n.origin , n.destination , net.destination_recur origin_recur , case n.origin when net.destination_recur then n.destination else n.origin end destination_recur , net.lvl + 1 lvl from net join network_table n on (n.origin = net.destination_recur and n.destination != net.origin_recur) or (n.destination = net.destination_recur and n.origin != net.origin_recur) ) search breadth first by origin_recur, destination_recur set ordering select origin , destination , origin_recur , destination_recur , lvl from net order by ordering / |
Giving this output of the 9 blue arrows from the drawing:
ORIGIN DESTINATION ORIGIN_RECUR DESTINATION_RECUR LVL ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------------- ----- 11 12 11 12 1 14 11 11 14 1 18 11 11 18 1 12 13 12 13 2 14 15 14 15 2 14 16 14 16 2 14 17 14 17 2 23 15 15 23 3 23 24 23 24 4 |
The "trick" is that we create origin_recur and destination_recur. In the "starting" part of the subquery (before UNION ALL) origin_recur is always 11 (my starting point) and destination_recur is "the other node". In the recursive part of the subquery (after UNION ALL) we find the next level by joining on either origin or destination equal to "prior" destination_recur (plus we make sure we don't "double back" on ourselves.) And for that level we again make sure origin_recur is "where we came from" and destination_recur is "the other node", no matter which way the arrow originally points. In other words: origin_recur and destination_recur represents the blue arrows but they just all have the direction modified to always be the direction we traverse the graph.
This technique would have been impossible to do with a CONNECT BY, as the recursion is done on calculated columns. In a CONNECT BY clause PRIOR can only be used on table columns, not calculated column aliases. But that is possible in version 11.2 using the recursive subquery factoring.
The above output shows all level 1's first, then level 2, and so on. That is caused by the BREADTH FIRST clause. It can be changed to DEPTH FIRST:
with net (origin, destination, origin_recur, destination_recur, lvl) as ( select n.origin , n.destination , 11 origin_recur , case n.origin when 11 then destination else origin end destination_recur , 1 lvl from network_table n where n.origin = 11 or n.destination = 11 union all select n.origin , n.destination , net.destination_recur origin_recur , case n.origin when net.destination_recur then n.destination else n.origin end destination_recur , net.lvl + 1 lvl from net join network_table n on (n.origin = net.destination_recur and n.destination != net.origin_recur) or (n.destination = net.destination_recur and n.origin != net.origin_recur) ) search depth first by origin_recur, destination_recur set ordering select origin , destination , origin_recur , destination_recur , lvl from net order by ordering / |
Which gives us output that traverses all the way down each branch first before going to the next branch (looking perhaps a little more like you would be used to from CONNECT BY):
ORIGIN DESTINATION ORIGIN_RECUR DESTINATION_RECUR LVL ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------------- ----- 11 12 11 12 1 12 13 12 13 2 14 11 11 14 1 14 15 14 15 2 23 15 15 23 3 23 24 23 24 4 14 16 14 16 2 14 17 14 17 2 18 11 11 18 1 |
So far so good, but what happens when you add another connection to the graph:
insert into network_table values (24, 11) / |
Shown on the graph (the green arrow) we see we have a cycle:
If we run the sql again, we get this error:
ERROR at line 1: ORA-32044: cycle detected while executing recursive WITH query |
Recursive subquery factoring has a CYCLE clause that can help us to avoid this error:
with net (origin, destination, origin_recur, destination_recur, lvl) as ( select n.origin , n.destination , 11 origin_recur , case n.origin when 11 then destination else origin end destination_recur , 1 lvl from network_table n where n.origin = 11 or n.destination = 11 union all select n.origin , n.destination , net.destination_recur origin_recur , case n.origin when net.destination_recur then n.destination else n.origin end destination_recur , net.lvl + 1 lvl from net join network_table n on (n.origin = net.destination_recur and n.destination != net.origin_recur) or (n.destination = net.destination_recur and n.origin != net.origin_recur) ) search depth first by origin_recur, destination_recur set ordering cycle destination_recur set is_cycle to 'Y' default 'N' select origin , destination , origin_recur , destination_recur , lvl , is_cycle from net order by ordering / |
Giving us this output:
ORIGIN DESTINATION ORIGIN_RECUR DESTINATION_RECUR LVL I ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------------- ----- - 11 12 11 12 1 N 12 13 12 13 2 N 14 11 11 14 1 N 14 15 14 15 2 N 23 15 15 23 3 N 23 24 23 24 4 N 24 11 24 11 5 N 11 12 11 12 6 N 12 13 12 13 7 N 14 11 11 14 6 Y 18 11 11 18 6 N 14 16 14 16 2 N 14 17 14 17 2 N 18 11 11 18 1 N 24 11 11 24 1 N 23 24 24 23 2 N 23 15 23 15 3 N 14 15 15 14 4 N 14 11 14 11 5 N 11 12 11 12 6 N 12 13 12 13 7 N 18 11 11 18 6 N 24 11 11 24 6 Y 14 16 14 16 5 N 14 17 14 17 5 N |
The CYCLE clause creates a column IS_CYCLE that is Y when a cycle has been detected. As destination_recur is specified, it will be Y whenever a destination_recur is found that already exists as destination_recur in the same branch of the recursion. Therefore we get a lot of repeats in the output, because the new connection from 24 to 11 is not detected as a cycle, but when we continue again from 11 then we repeat a subbranch we have already visited and get a cycle.
We can improve on it by starting our recursion in a different way. We can create a fictional "level 0" which makes certain that when we go around and hit 11 again, it will be recognized as a cycle:
with net (origin, destination, origin_recur, destination_recur, lvl) as ( select 0 origin , 11 destination , 0 origin_recur , 11 destination_recur , 0 lvl from dual union all select n.origin , n.destination , net.destination_recur origin_recur , case n.origin when net.destination_recur then n.destination else n.origin end destination_recur , net.lvl + 1 lvl from net join network_table n on (n.origin = net.destination_recur and n.destination != net.origin_recur) or (n.destination = net.destination_recur and n.origin != net.origin_recur) ) search depth first by origin_recur, destination_recur set ordering cycle destination_recur set is_cycle to 'Y' default 'N' select origin , destination , origin_recur , destination_recur , lvl , is_cycle from net order by ordering / |
Giving us a somewhat better output:
ORIGIN DESTINATION ORIGIN_RECUR DESTINATION_RECUR LVL I ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------------- ----- - 0 11 0 11 0 N 11 12 11 12 1 N 12 13 12 13 2 N 14 11 11 14 1 N 14 15 14 15 2 N 23 15 15 23 3 N 23 24 23 24 4 N 24 11 24 11 5 Y 14 16 14 16 2 N 14 17 14 17 2 N 18 11 11 18 1 N 24 11 11 24 1 N 23 24 24 23 2 N 23 15 23 15 3 N 14 15 15 14 4 N 14 11 14 11 5 Y 14 16 14 16 5 N 14 17 14 17 5 N |
This time when it gets to 24->11, it declares a cycle and stops. But there remains another problem: we traverse the cycle in the graph twice, once in each direction. The CYCLE clause cannot help us here.
A simple solution can be to just filter away our fictional level 0 as well as the cycles, and then a plain DISTINCT will remove our duplicates:
with net (origin, destination, origin_recur, destination_recur, lvl) as ( select 0 origin , 11 destination , 0 origin_recur , 11 destination_recur , 0 lvl from dual union all select n.origin , n.destination , net.destination_recur origin_recur , case n.origin when net.destination_recur then n.destination else n.origin end destination_recur , net.lvl + 1 lvl from net join network_table n on (n.origin = net.destination_recur and n.destination != net.origin_recur) or (n.destination = net.destination_recur and n.origin != net.origin_recur) ) search depth first by origin_recur, destination_recur set ordering cycle destination_recur set is_cycle to 'Y' default 'N' select distinct origin , destination from net where is_cycle != 'Y' and lvl != 0 / |
This gives us the 10 connections of the network:
ORIGIN DESTINATION ---------- ----------- 11 12 12 13 14 11 14 15 23 15 23 24 14 17 18 11 24 11 14 16 |
That approach may be OK for many purposes, but it is not guaranteed to be in the correct order. This time it looks like we were lucky, but we cannot be certain that for example a HASH distinct will keep the order for us.
So we can instead use the analytic function ROW_NUMBER to help us:
with net (origin, destination, origin_recur, destination_recur, lvl) as ( select 0 origin , 11 destination , 0 origin_recur , 11 destination_recur , 0 lvl from dual union all select n.origin , n.destination , net.destination_recur origin_recur , case n.origin when net.destination_recur then n.destination else n.origin end destination_recur , net.lvl + 1 lvl from net join network_table n on (n.origin = net.destination_recur and n.destination != net.origin_recur) or (n.destination = net.destination_recur and n.origin != net.origin_recur) ) search depth first by origin_recur, destination_recur set ordering cycle destination_recur set is_cycle to 'Y' default 'N' select origin , destination , origin_recur , destination_recur , lvl , is_cycle , row_number() over ( partition by origin, destination order by ordering ) rn , ordering from net order by ordering / |
The result will be that the first occurrence in order of ORDERING of a given (origin, destination) pair will be numbered 1, subsequent occurrences numbered 2,...:
ORIGIN DESTINATION ORIGIN_RECUR DESTINATION_RECUR LVL I RN ORDERING ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------------- ----- - --- ---------- 0 11 0 11 0 N 1 1 11 12 11 12 1 N 1 2 12 13 12 13 2 N 1 3 14 11 11 14 1 N 1 4 14 15 14 15 2 N 1 5 23 15 15 23 3 N 1 6 23 24 23 24 4 N 1 7 24 11 24 11 5 Y 1 8 14 16 14 16 2 N 1 9 14 17 14 17 2 N 1 10 18 11 11 18 1 N 1 11 24 11 11 24 1 N 2 12 23 24 24 23 2 N 2 13 23 15 23 15 3 N 2 14 14 15 15 14 4 N 2 15 14 11 14 11 5 Y 2 16 14 16 14 16 5 N 2 17 14 17 14 17 5 N 2 18 |
With this approach the "reverse" traversal of the cycle in the graph gets RN=2, so we can filter those away:
with net (origin, destination, origin_recur, destination_recur, lvl) as ( select 0 origin , 11 destination , 0 origin_recur , 11 destination_recur , 0 lvl from dual union all select n.origin , n.destination , net.destination_recur origin_recur , case n.origin when net.destination_recur then n.destination else n.origin end destination_recur , net.lvl + 1 lvl from net join network_table n on (n.origin = net.destination_recur and n.destination != net.origin_recur) or (n.destination = net.destination_recur and n.origin != net.origin_recur) ) search depth first by origin_recur, destination_recur set ordering cycle destination_recur set is_cycle to 'Y' default 'N' select * from ( select origin , destination , origin_recur , destination_recur , lvl , is_cycle , row_number() over ( partition by origin, destination order by ordering ) rn , ordering from net ) where rn = 1 and lvl != 0 order by ordering / |
Giving us an output of the desired 10 rows:
ORIGIN DESTINATION ORIGIN_RECUR DESTINATION_RECUR LVL I RN ORDERING ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------------- ----- - --- ---------- 11 12 11 12 1 N 1 2 12 13 12 13 2 N 1 3 14 11 11 14 1 N 1 4 14 15 14 15 2 N 1 5 23 15 15 23 3 N 1 6 23 24 23 24 4 N 1 7 24 11 24 11 5 Y 1 8 14 16 14 16 2 N 1 9 14 17 14 17 2 N 1 10 18 11 11 18 1 N 1 11 |
Using this method we actually could use the original recursion rather than the one with a fictional level 0:
with net (origin, destination, origin_recur, destination_recur, lvl) as ( select n.origin , n.destination , 11 origin_recur , case n.origin when 11 then destination else origin end destination_recur , 1 lvl from network_table n where n.origin = 11 or n.destination = 11 union all select n.origin , n.destination , net.destination_recur origin_recur , case n.origin when net.destination_recur then n.destination else n.origin end destination_recur , net.lvl + 1 lvl from net join network_table n on (n.origin = net.destination_recur and n.destination != net.origin_recur) or (n.destination = net.destination_recur and n.origin != net.origin_recur) ) search depth first by origin_recur, destination_recur set ordering cycle destination_recur set is_cycle to 'Y' default 'N' select * from ( select origin , destination , origin_recur , destination_recur , lvl , is_cycle , row_number() over ( partition by origin, destination order by ordering ) rn , ordering from net ) where rn = 1 order by ordering / |
It gives us the same rows as before:
ORIGIN DESTINATION ORIGIN_RECUR DESTINATION_RECUR LVL I RN ORDERING ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------------- ----- - --- ---------- 11 12 11 12 1 N 1 1 12 13 12 13 2 N 1 2 14 11 11 14 1 N 1 3 14 15 14 15 2 N 1 4 23 15 15 23 3 N 1 5 23 24 23 24 4 N 1 6 24 11 24 11 5 N 1 7 18 11 11 18 6 N 1 11 14 16 14 16 2 N 1 12 14 17 14 17 2 N 1 13 |
But we do notice a slight problem: The 18->11 connection is shown here to level 6 where it is more correct to call it level 1.
So we stick to the solution with "level 0" giving us this final query stripped of superfluous information:
with net (origin, destination, origin_recur, destination_recur, lvl) as ( select 0 origin , 11 destination , 0 origin_recur , 11 destination_recur , 0 lvl from dual union all select n.origin , n.destination , net.destination_recur origin_recur , case n.origin when net.destination_recur then n.destination else n.origin end destination_recur , net.lvl + 1 lvl from net join network_table n on (n.origin = net.destination_recur and n.destination != net.origin_recur) or (n.destination = net.destination_recur and n.origin != net.origin_recur) ) search depth first by origin_recur, destination_recur set ordering cycle destination_recur set is_cycle to 'Y' default 'N' select origin , destination , lvl from ( select origin , destination , lvl , row_number() over ( partition by origin, destination order by ordering ) rn , ordering from net ) where rn = 1 and lvl != 0 order by ordering / |
Giving this final output:
ORIGIN DESTINATION LVL ---------- ----------- ----- 11 12 1 12 13 2 14 11 1 14 15 2 23 15 3 23 24 4 24 11 5 14 16 2 14 17 2 18 11 1 |
All in all a fun challenge and definitely a case for me to understand the differences of using a recursive subquery rather than a connect by hierarcical query :-) .
ReplyDeletevery nice !
We discussed a similar, but slightly simpler problem on
ReplyDeleteany idea why I get the error "ORA-30654: missing DEFAULT keyword" error as soon as I try to use "cycle destination_recur set is_cycle to 'Y' default 'N'"?
Hi, Karl
ReplyDeleteI haven't experienced that error, but there's a fellow with similar error on Oracle Forums:
Seems he found that the error occurs with cursor_sharing=force only.
If that is the case for you as well (I haven't tested) then it would appear that the cursor sharing code that exchanges literals for bind variables possibly erroneously exchanges the 'N' (and perhaps the 'Y') to a bind variable, where the recursive subquery factoring cycle clause requires a literal.
If you are using cursor sharing force and find that cursor sharing exact solves the error, then you have a case for opening an SR with support or searching MOS for a possible patch that may already exists.
I can confirm the link between the error "ORA-30654: missing DEFAULT keyword" and the cursor_sharing parameter on Oracle 11g. Besides altering the parameter for your specific session (ALTER SESSION SET CURSOR_SHARING EXACT), the easiest solution is probably to force exact cursor sharing by adding a hint to the SELECT branch following the UNION ALL in the WITH clause:
Delete/*+ cursor_sharing_exact */
Thanks, Hans
DeleteGood to have the theory confirmed. Yes, your workarounds will do nicely until Oracle has fixed the bug ;-)
ReplyDeleteHave I missed anything?
why not quite simple connect by nocycle?
formatted example:
with v as (select origin a ,destination b from network_table
union all
select destination,origin from network_table
,v1 as (
select distinct a,b
from v
start with a=11
connect by nocycle prior b = a
select distinct point
from v1
unpivot (
point for x in (a,b)
DeleteThanks, yes, I missed the solution of simply duplicating the entire graph in the "opposite direction" and thereby getting some data that CONNECT BY will handle. Definitely a simpler solution. Which is "better" very much depends on the circumstances ;-)
Suppose you have a lot of data, both columns are indexed, and your query only picks a small piece of the graph:
insert into network_table
select level+113 origin, level+115 destination
from dual
connect by level <= 100000
create index network_table_orig_idx on network_table(origin)
create index network_table_dest_idx on network_table(destination)
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'NETWORK_TABLE',cascade=>true)
If I run my final query still starting at graph node 11, the recursive subquery is able to expand the OR into a concatenation of using the two indexes at each step of the recursion.
The CONNECT BY method requires materializing the double set of data into temp with two full table scans of NETWORK_TABLE and then the connect by full table scans the temp table.
In my environment that makes a difference from about 50 millisecs using recursion and 250 millisecs using connect by on the data above with a hundred thousand rows in the table.
And then which method is actually applicable to the application depends on the needs. If simply need the points, simple connect by works just fine. If need output in guaranteed order either DEPTH FIRST or BREADTH FIRST, recursion offers more control (connect by won't do BREADTH FIRST.)
I like CONNECT BY and often use that as first choice for things like this. But while some things that connect by does easily is more tricky with recursive subqueries, other things are possible with recursion that is hard or impossible with connect by.
Thanks for pointing out a way I missed for doing this with CONNECT BY, and thanks for your matrix query too - fun ;-)
Thanks Kim, for your positive feedback :)
DeleteI don't know which one of your queries you have compared with my, so I can't to tell you comparison with my hinted version:
Compare please :)
Best regards,
Sayan Malakshinov
The query I'm comparing is the final (the last one) in the blog post.
DeleteThe plan I get from my query is (image from Toad):
The plan I get from your unhinted query:
And the plan from your hinted query:
Empirically just from "wall clock" comparison, your hinted query performs identically to my recursive query. The "full table scans" in the plan for your hinted query seems misleading (which often seems to be the case for connect by, I think.)
I haven't tried to trace/tkprof them and see actual resource usage, but seems like hints can make the connect by version do the same as my recursion ;-)
Hm, it seems quite strange.
DeleteHave you gathered statistics after inserting 100k rows?
Even on I have another plan:
And the same on
Full test case:
Weird - looks like my Toad makes different explain plans?
DeleteI'm trying on and yes, I have gathered stats ;-)
If I get the plan in Toad (explain plan, not actual run plan) I get the one with some full table scan.
If I execute the sql in SQL*Plus and use "select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('','','last'));" I get the same as you.
If I do "explain plan {sql}" in SQL*Plus and use "select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);" I also get the same as you.
But I get a "Note - this is an adaptive plan", so perhaps somehow the method Toad is using for explain plan precludes use of adaptive plans?
Hmm... Maybe I should be a bit wary of Toad ;-)
Oh, you're right - explain in GUI tools could be different than real execution! :)
DeleteBy the way try to hint main select with /*+ no_adaptive_plan */ - it can help :)
Hmm... When I add /*+ no_adaptive_plan */ to your hinted query, even Toad gives the same plan as you get... ;-)
DeleteOk. I've got :)
DeleteThat's because Toad doesn't support '+adaptive' parameter for dbms_xplan.display:
Thanks - learning a lot here :-)
DeleteAnd just for fun = path matrix: